Families can talk about the contestants' decisions, and what each family member would do if they were playing the game. Would you be satisfied with the amount of money a contestant won? Why or why not? Do you think the contestant was too greedy, or too much of a risk-taker? What would you have done differently, and why? Another discussion topic could be money itself and its value. What online co op games would you do if you won a lot of money? Aside from buying material things, can you think of some ways you could put the money to good use? In this online version of the game, you start in San Francisco and the winnings of your first day are used to enter into other Deal Or No Deal tournaments throughout the world. Go on to play Deal Or No Deal Games in New York, Paris, and major cities across the globe. Can you take the right risks and make the right decisions to recoup the virtual game's entrance fee? Can you make it all the way around the world?